Directed by Reel Bear Media (
Adult Size Big Wheels provided by High Roller USA:
I wish I found some better sounds no one’s ever heard,
I wish I had a better voice that sang some better words,
I wish I found some chords in an order that is new,
I wish I didnt have to rhyme every time I sang,
I was told when I get older all my fears would shrink,
But now I’m insecure and I care what people think.
My name’s ‘Blurryface’ and I care what you think
Wish we could turn back time, to the good ol’ days,
When our momma sang us to sleep but now we’re stressed out.
Sometimes a certain smell will take me back to when I was young,
How come I’m never able to identify where it’s coming from,
I’d make a candle out of it if I ever found it,
Try to sell it, never sell out of it, I’d probably only sell one,
It’d be to my brother, ‘cause we have the same nose,
Same clothes homegrown a stone’s throw from a creek we used to roam,
But it would remind us of when nothing really mattered,
Out of student loans and treehouse homes we all would take the latter.
My name’s ‘Blurryface’ and I care what you think
Wish we could turn back time, to the good ol’ days,
When our momma sang us to sleep but now we’re stressed out.
We used to play pretend, give each other different names,
We would build a rocket ship and then we’d fly it far away,
Used to dream of outer space but now they’re laughing at our face,
Saying, “wake up, you need to make money."
Wish we could turn back time, to the good ol’ days,
When our momma sang us to sleep but now we’re stressed out.
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Лукойл 2019
дизельное топливо
новые штрафы гибдд
В России
парковка на газонах
Авто и общество
новые правила гибдд
новые правила гибдд 2019
новые штрафы гибдд 2019
Все авторские права принадлежат
Их законным владельцам.
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Фрагмента из выпуска и его
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авторские права просим связаться с нами.
All Copyrights belongs
To their rightful owners.
If you are the author
Of the fragment video and distribute it
Infringes your copyright
please contact us.
дтп жекагололед гололед дтп 2019 щекино ангаранет дуракиидороги Саня ФСБ дтп удмуртия сегодня новости удмуртии дтп дтп нефтекамск дтп удмуртия дтп марий эл сегодня дтп можгинский тракт дтп ижевск новости самара дтп новости самара дтп самарская область шаркан выгоничи воткинский район сунский район нефтекамск дтп самара дтп пермь дтп тюмень дтп воронеж