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Why We May Be Surrounded by Older Alien Civilizations

Are alien civilizations likely to be younger or older than us in age? A basic question that seems insurmountable until we start detecting them. But even before that, we can use some logical deduction using lifetime distribution statistics to determine the most plausible answer to this question. Join us today for an explanation of our new research paper on this topic.

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Thank-you to Kevin Clark, Tom Widdowson, Denny Smith, Stephanie Hackley, Mark Sloan, Laura Sanborn, Kolos Kantor, Patrick Herman, Abel Aganbegyan, Claudio Bottaccini, Daniel Brunk, Douglas Daughaday, Scott Fincher, James Kindred, Andrew Jones, Jason Allen, Steven Baldwin, Jason Black, Stuart Brownlee, Shivam Chaturvedi, David Denholm, Tim Dorais, Glen Downton, Eneko Xabier, Elizondo Urrestarazu, Gordon Fulton, Sean Griffiths, Peter Halloran, John Jurcevic, Niklas Kildal, Jack Kobernick, Wes Kobernick, Valeri Kremer, Marc Lijoi, Sheri Loftin, Branden Loizides, Anatoliy Maslyanchuk, Blair Matson, Ocean Mcintyre, Laini Mitchell, Jeffrey Needle, André Pelletier, Juan Rivillas, Bret Robinson, Zenith Star, Lauren Steely, Ernest Stefan-Matyus, Mark Steven, Elena West, Barrett York, Tristan Zajonc, Preetumsingh Gowd, Shaun Kelsey, Chuck Wolfred, David Vennel, Emre Dessoi, Fahid Naeem, Francisco Rebolledo, Hauke Laging, James Falls, Jon Adams, Michael Gremillion, Pierce Rutherford, Trev Kline, Tristan Leger, Lasse Skov, Takashi Hanai, Drew Roberts, Erynn Wilson, Ian Baskerville, Jacob Bassnett, John Shackleford, Marcus Undin, Martin Kroebel, Ian Johnstone, Geoff Suter, Ian Hopcraft, James Valdes, Phil Akrill-Misso, William Robertson, Elizabeth Orman

Herb Alpert and Lani Hall on CBS Sunday Morning

The songs selected by Alpert and Hall include such classics as Van Morrisons «Moondance» and Peggy Lees «Fever» as well as two Beatles tunes «Here Comes The Sun» and «Blackbird.» All the songs on I Feel You are filled with unique and innovative arrangements along with skilled improvisations which breathe fresh life into them. Also on the CD is a reinvented version of the Tijuana Brass hit, «What Now My Love.»

«Each song is like a flower opening up, exposing new color and fragrance, strength and fragility,» commented Hall. «I think the key to a great song is always the melody and Lani thinks its an equally expressive lyric which is one of the reasons were a good team. The songs on I Feel You reflect honesty and our mutual commitment to all the songs we do together is to make them sound fresh,» added Alpert.

The outcome of their complementary philosophy is 14 songs on I Feel You that marry the essence of their shared gifts.

НОВАЯ СТАРАЯ МАФИЯ (СТРИМ) ► Mafia: Definitive Edition #1

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► VR-игры — bit.ly/VR_by_Kuplinov
► Выносы мозга — bit.ly/Brain_Crash_by_Kuplinov
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► Все прохождения — bit.ly/All_Games_by_Kuplinov

Музыка на стриме — www.epidemicsound.com/albums/album/614/

#Mafia #DefinitiveEdition #KuplinovPlay

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9 Теорий о Видеоиграх, Которые Разрушат Ваше Детство

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Відчуй ритми міст. Україна. Моя країна

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Баха Фестиваль (Бахыткельды Баясов). Криминальный авторитет Казахстана 90-х

Биография Бахи Фестиваля (Бахыткельды Баясов). Как жил криминальный авторитет Казахстана начала 90-х. Как он попал в криминал. Какие отношения у него были с ворами в законе.

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